Connecting Hills-brand Developments to Enhance Tokyo's Magnetism
-- New horizon full of opportunities and possibilities --
In 2024, Mori Building will be looking toward a new horizon.
Last year, we achieved an unprecedented feat in Mori Building's long history by opening two major developments--the Toranomon Hills Station Tower and the Azabudai Hills mixed-use complex--almost simultaneously. In 2024, we will focus on nurturing these two Hills-brand properties, including the many facilities and stores that each will gradually open to realize their full potential as "cities within a city." In doing so, we will collaborate with a range of partners and tenants in a variety of genres to share innovative ideas and create new mechanisms that embody the unique character of each location.
Since the time of our former Chairman Minoru Mori, Mori Building has envisioned a grand plan to redevelop urban areas in the heart of Tokyo to create "compact cities" (mixed-use complexes), where diverse urban functions are conveniently concentrated within walking distance, thereby enhancing Tokyo's ability to attract global assets and talent in competition with other major international cities. When Chairman Mori first introduced this vision, few people thought it was possible. Today, however, after witnessing the opening of Roppongi Hills some 20 years ago and the continuous renewal of its annual visitor and sales records, it has generated, followed by the completion of Toranomon Hills and the opening of Azabudai Hills, people now widely believe in our vision and our ability to realize it.
By putting our two newest Hills properties on track, thereby expanding the collective strengths of our Hills properties, we will proudly contribute to Tokyo's international magnetism. At the same time, we are further enhancing Mori Building's overall strengths, brand power and public trust for even greater achievements in the future. Our new horizon is filled with promising opportunities and boundless possibilities limited only by the course we decide to take.
Each Hills property is unique, so we are constantly seeking new strategies and frameworks to best suit each development, without relying on past successes or previously adopted protocols. As the gap widens between those who choose to explore innovative approaches and those who simply follow the past, I am urging everyone at Mori Building to embrace the former approach in every endeavor and continue to challenge and grow together in true Mori Building fashion in 2024.
Shingo Tsuji
President and CEO