2022 will be a special time during which we will be "Shaping the Future."
The year 2022 will be very important for Mori Building in two ways. First, it will be a special year leading up to the launch of the Toranomon-Azabudai and Toranomon Hills Area projects, both of which will open in 2023. This year we must make sure that all of our hard work up to this point will produce the very best results, including timely delivery and maximized quality. Secondly, in 2022 we will focus not only on the immediate future but also on the future of Mori Building over the next 30 to 40 years. Values, lifestyles and workstyles will continue to change, so now is the time to open up a path to the future. Mori Building is committed to incorporating both societal and technological change in its unique urban development initiatives, and always keeping its focus on the fundamental essence of cities and people.
In the Toranomon Hills area, the Residential Tower will be completed at the end of January and the frame of the Station Tower (tentative name) will be completed in July. This mixed-used complex, which is expanding and evolving as an international urban hub and global business center, is finally about to come into clear focus. Meanwhile, the Toranomon-Azabudai Project will incorporate various urban mechanisms and services in order to fully embody the "Green & Wellness" concept that has become so important to people worldwide. Realizing this urban complex, which will be unlike anything of its kind, will elevate Mori Building to the next level.
The Jakarta Office Tower Project (tentative name) will reach completion, and we will also continue to maximize our efforts to progress the Roppongi 5-chome project for proposal of the city plan.
Mori Building has always taken on new challenges without being bound by precedent, and has always proposed new lifestyles and workstyles. Not only is this one of our unique assets, it is also a source of our competitiveness and the reason for our existence. In these turbulent times, we must draw on these strengths to create proposals that anticipate the future, something I know we can do. I want all of you to deploy your personal antennas and seek out the world's latest case studies, newest technologies and most diverse values in order to generate a steady stream of intelligently crafted proposals for the company's consideration. If we can become the kind of company where all employees generate innovative ideas, and openly challenge each other regardless of age or position, I am convinced that--no matter what the future may bring--we can continue building on our uniqueness and identity as the one and only Mori Building.
I believe that we have the strength to overcome all challenges and difficulties regardless of any unexpected events that may await us. Let's tackle this important year with everything we have, fueled by a robust combination of hope and a sense of tension while taking care of our personal wellness.
Shingo Tsuji, President and CEO