Mori Building Co., Ltd.

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Mori Building Faclities

Roppongi Hills TEL:03‐6406-6382
Tokyo City View, Sky Deck TEL:03-6406-6652
Mori Art Museum Mori Art Museum Public Relations Office (within Kyodo PR)
Mori Art Center Gallery TEL:03-6406-6652
Academyhills TEL:03-6406-6240
Ark Hills, Hills Marche TEL:03‐6406-6382
Toranomon Hills TEL:03‐6406-6382
Omotesando Hills TEL:03-3497-0292
Laforet Harajyuku TEL:03-3475-0411

Other Facilities, Mori Building

Please fill out the forms below, and contact our Public Relations Department at +81-3-6406-6606 or Please note it will take more than 3 days for decision. Thank you for your understanding.